The Law of Attraction states that your mind creates your own reality. If we charge up certain thought-forms continuously with energies, it will attract and manifest that into our life. Unfortunately 99% of the earth’s population thinks with negative programmes and limiting beliefs and this creates much suffering in their lives.
In order to align back to our pure Soul and God essence it is essential to clear the limiting beliefs and programmes and replace them with positive ones.
In this Law of Attraction Chart series, we will focus on how to identify negative thought-forms in our subconscious mind by using a pendulum and divinity chart. We can also find out which positive beliefs need to be cultivated further within our belief system.
To learn how to use each of the Law of attraction charts, please browse the listing below:
How to use Law of Attraction Divinity Pendulum Chart Series?
1. Positive Beliefs for Spirituality Pendulum Chart
Sometimes we may feel that God has abandoned us in the physical world. We may even think that it is impossible to be with God. This kind of limiting beliefs in our mind will simply block us from realigning our true self with God.
Questions we can pose to the Higher Self include:
Higher Self, which positive belief on spirituality can I cultivate further in my consciousness?
Higher Self, which positive belief can I cultivate to strengthen my belief system and enhance my situation of
? (Spirituality issue, challenges etc)
2. Positive Beliefs for Self-Esteem Pendulum Chart
Do you fear speaking the truth in front of people?
Do you have thoughts of being undeserving of abundance?
Do you feel that you are not good enough to be loved?
Do you doubt your work capabilities?
Do you feel that you can’t handle a work or project well?
Are you fearful of getting what you want in life?
The lack of self esteem is usually caused by erroneous and incorrect programming and beliefs that one holds on to, which cause us to limit our true potentials. If we have self esteem issues, these will undoubtedly block our path to success in life.
Questions we could ask the Higher Self are:
Higher Self, which positive belief on self-esteem can I cultivate further in my consciousness?
Higher Self, which positive belief can I cultivate to strengthen my positive belief system and enhance my situation of
__? (self-esteem issue, challenges etc)
3. Positive Beliefs for Creativity Pendulum Chart
Creativity is not just limited to artists or musicians. It is really a form of divine intelligence that is available to every living being. We create our lives every day. Whether one is an artist, teacher, trader, businessmen or cashier every one of us has our own talents and abilities to create the life we desire. Most of us have been programmed by our parents, family and society with limiting beliefs that prevent us from reaching our potential. For example, we may have retained memories of our parents or teacher saying that we are stupid. Thus, this negative belief which has stayed in our subconscious became a strong unconscious belief that limited our inner potential until today.
Questions we can pose to the Higher Self include:
Higher Self, which positive belief on creativity do I need to cultivate more in my consciousness?
Higher Self, which positive belief can I cultivate to strengthen my belief system which will enhance my situation of
? (Creativity issue, challenges etc)
4. Positive Beliefs for Job and Success Pendulum Chart
Our job and career should be the perfect vehicle for us to express our talents and contribute our abilities to humanity. However, most of us choose to treat our job with hatred, competition, fear and anger. If we are infusing our work with many negative feelings and destructive beliefs, we will never be able to enjoy the success and reward that we want. This is because we are focusing on lack, instead of abundance most of the time.
Questions we can pose to the Higher Self include:
Higher Self, what appropriate positive beliefs can I cultivate in my consciousness so that I can express the right attitude towards my career/job and success?
Higher Self, which positive belief can I cultivate to strengthen my belief system further in order to enhance my situation of
5. Positive Beliefs for Relationship and Love Pendulum Chart
Personal relationship is always the main issue for so many of us. We tend to seek love from the external environment instead of looking inwardly. We need to understand that we can never attract love and harmony to our relationships if our mind is full of negative beliefs. The only way to true love is to work on ourselves first. If we are able to shift our thought forms from fear based to love based, we will naturally attract those with similar vibration to us, easily and effortlessly.
Questions we can pose to the Higher Self include:
Higher Self, which positive relationship and love belief can I cultivate further in my consciousness?
Higher Self, which positive belief can I cultivate further in order to strengthen my belief system to enhance my situation of
? (job and success issue, challenges etc)
6. Beliefs for Health Pendulum Chart
How often do we pay attention to our physical body? Have we thought about how hard the physical body works every second and minute of the day, to ensure that we have good health to live our life? How often do we thank our body with gratitude for enabling us to move and express ourselves with ease? Do we say “I love you” often enough to the physical body?
If we want to create better health conditions, we must infuse our mind with positive thoughts, beliefs and feelings towards our body.
If our minds think negatively, for example, when we are constantly worried about our health and in constant fear of doom or ill, our bodies will take it literally (as how we are thinking) to mean that this is how we want our bodies to be. The body will then create this causing even more burden and negative energy which affects our health dramatically.
Questions we can pose to Higher Self include:
Higher Self, which positive health belief can I cultivate further in my consciousness?
Higher Self, which positive belief can I strengthen in my belief system in order to enhance my situation of
? (health issue, challenges etc)
7. Positive Beliefs for Money and Prosperity
According to the law of attraction, if we want to attract more money and prosperity into our lives, it is important to always be focused and keep our positive beliefs steadily in our consciousness. This simply means having a positive mind set while we are doing what is necessary and right to bring the flow of the energy of money and prosperity into our lives. The more we focus on prosperity, the more we will attract it to us.
Questions we can ask the Higher Self include:
Higher Self, which positive belief about money and prosperity can I cultivate further in my consciousness?
Higher Self, which positive belief may I cultivate further to enhance my situation of
? (money issue, challenges etc)
8. Negative Money Beliefs
A most common issue amongst many is the issue of lack – with money. If one is experiencing that and difficulties in manifesting money and abundance in life, we need to look into the possibilities of having underlying and hidden negative beliefs and programming about money, either consciously or subconsciously. We then need to address the blocks generated by the fears from these beliefs and programming within the mind. We shall work to release these so that we can truly manifest what we want in our life.
There are three charts given to address the negative beliefs of money:
1. Negative Common Money Beliefs
2. Identity/Self esteem Beliefs
3. Value Beliefs
Each of the charts list different negative beliefs that may block us from further cultivating money and abundance in our life.
We are able to use these divinity charts to help us identify what negative money beliefs are residing within the sub-conscious mind that are blocking us from realizing the manifestation of money and prosperity.
We can pose the following questions to our Higher Self:
Higher Self, which negative money belief in this chart is blocking me from cultivating the highest potential in my consciousness?
Higher Self, which negative belief in my consciousness is contributing to the situation of
__? (Specific money issue, challenges etc)
This Chart Content is contributed by Evelyn Lim –
Who should benefit from these pendulum charts?
- Dowser
- Spiritual Healer
- Spiritual Seeker
- Counsellor
- Energy Healer
- Lightworker
- Ascension Practitioner
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