Self Mastery Pendulum Charts Series


The Self Mastery Series is a collection of Pendulum Dowsing charts that focus on mastering our mental and psychological health.

A Special set of pendulum charts to complement your holistic treatments like Theta Healing, Spiritual Response Therapy, Life Alignment and advanced holistic therapist.

There are a total of 7 charts with 252 nuggets of wisdom in this series.

Two eBooks are also included in this series and these are:
– Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hills
– Law of Success in 16 lessons by Napoleon Hills

To learn how to use each of the Self Mastery charts, please browse the listing below:

1. Law of Success Divinity Pendulum Chart

The Law of Success is an important “golden key” from the thoughts and research of Napoleon Hill — his very thorough and comprehensive mind-power method for achieving your goals.

From the experiences of the many industrialists, diplomats, thought leaders, and successful people from all walks of life that Hill interviewed, he put forth what he learned into these fifteen core Principles.
We have laid out the Law of Success into the Law of Success Divinity Chart for easy use, to help us to focus and seek understanding of the principles and how it applies to us and our on-going endeavors.
Higher Self, please show me the area that I need to make adjustment / improvement in, based on the current stage of my work/project pertaining to ____________________? (describe your work/project or anything you wish to manifest)
Higher Self, please show me which is/are the principles that I may need to further cultivate and learn in the current stage of my work/project pertaining to ____________________? (describe your work/project or anything you wish to manifest)
* Please note that there may be more than one area/principle that is relevant to us at the current stage of our work/project. Ask your Higher Self if there are further answers to the above. If the answer is ‘Yes’ then proceed to seek out further answers.
Once you have the answer(s) through the guidance of your Higher Self, you may use the book, The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill to gain more insights from the specific lesson / principle as shared in the book.
Law of Success eBook by Napoleon Hills is available for free download with Self Mastery Series

2. Think and Grow Rich Principles Divinity Pendulum Chart

Think and Grow Rich is one of the most influential books of all time. It illuminates the way to personal achievement, financial independence and riches of the spirit beyond measurement.
Sometimes, enroute to manifesting success, we face confusion and other distractions along the way. To overcome such obstacles, we may then enlist the help of our Higher Self and the Higher Beings, using the principles laid out in Think and Grow Rich to improve our area of weakness.
Some questions we can pose to the Higher Self include:
Higher Self, which area do I need to make an adjustment / improvement based on my current stage in ____________________? (Project, work or anything you want to manifest)
Higher Self, which principles do I need to apply/ cultivate/ learn for my current stage in  ____________________? (Project, work or anything you want to manifest)
You may wish to further study the chapter/principle to gain more insights after completion of your research work.
This material is licensed under a Public Domain Creative License.
Think and Grow Rich eBook by Napoleon Hills is available for free download with Self Mastery Series
More Reading:
Think And Grow Rich: The Secret To Wealth Updated For The 21St Century.

3. Source of Belief Divinity Pendulum Chart


The subconscious mind is full of limiting beliefs that will automatically block the establishment of abundance consciousness. Have you ever wondered about the origin of such limiting beliefs? Mass media, society, family members, and friends and even past lives can be the source of limiting beliefs that inhibit us from expressing our full potential.

When you use Abundance Belief’s Source of Belief Chart together with your pendulum, you can uncover the ground zero of limiting beliefs. Your Higher Self can help you increase your level of self awareness and embrace abundance consciousness.

To get started, write down a limiting belief on a piece of paper and ask your Higher Self, “Where is this belief coming from?”

Relax, allow the wisdom of the Higher Self to flow through your body and reveal the divinely guided answer to you.

Do note that a limiting belief can arise from more than one source. Check with your Higher Self if there are other sources contributing to this negative mindset. If yes, continue with your research till all sources have been revealed.

4. Ego Defence Mechanisms Divinity Pendulum Chart


In Freudian psychoanalytic theory, defence mechanisms are unconscious psychological strategies brought into play by various entities to cope with reality and to maintain self-image. Healthy persons normally use different defences throughout their life. An ego defence mechanism becomes pathological only when its persistent use leads to maladaptive behavior such that the physical and/or mental health of the individual is adversely affected. The purpose of ego defence mechanisms is to protect the mind/self/ego from anxiety, social sanctions or to provide a refuge from a situation with which one cannot currently cope.
They are more accurately referred to as ego defence mechanisms, and can thus be categorized as occurring when the Id impulses are in conflict with each other, when the Id impulses conflict with super-ego values and beliefs, and when an external threat is posed to the ego.
The term “defence mechanism” is often thought to refer to a definitive singular term for personality traits which arise due to loss or traumatic experiences, but more accurately refers to several types of reactions which were identified during and after daughter, Anna Freud’s time.
Source :
You may ask your Higher Self, Angel or the Masters to give you more insight by using this pendulum chart.
Higher Self, which of my Ego Defense Mechanisms is causing the relationship breakdown between me and ___________?
Higher Self, what negative feeling (using Feeling Defense Mechanisms Chart) am I expressing? ____________(Feeling Defense Mechanisms)
Higher Self, What Negative Ego am I using for the case above? ___________ (Using Negative Ego Chart)
Sources and more reading about this topic:
PsychCentral By John M. Grohol, Psy.D.

5. Feeling Defense Mechanisms Divinity Pendulum Chart


We defend ourselves from feeling. Defenses are related to feelings in that way.
How many of these defense mechanisms do you use and trying to cover up your true feeling? If we using this mechanisms with our spouse, loved on, friends and colleagues, we will causing more problems.
You may ask your higher self, angel or the masters to give you more insight by using this pendulum chart.
Higher Self, which of my Feeling Defense Mechanisms causing the relationship breakdown between me and ___________?
Higher Self, what negative feeling (using Negative Feeling Chart) am i trying to covered up because of this _________(Feeling Defense Mechanisms)?
Sources and more reading about this topic:
By Don Boice Feeling Defense Mechanisms

6. Spiritual Centered Attitudes Divinity Pendulum Chart


Spiritual Centered Attitudes, the love-based / oneness thought system can enhance your ability to manifest success in every aspect of your life.
Here are a few sample questions you may use to ask together with the Spiritual Centered Attitudes Chart
  1. Higher Self, which spiritual centered attitudes can I cultivate further today?
  2. Higher Self, which spiritual centered attitudes can I master and cultivate further for the issue of ___________?
  3. Higher Self, which spiritual centered attitudes can I cultivate further in order to receive clear guidance from  ___________(Angel, Masters or Higher Self)?
  4. Higher Self, which spiritual centered attitudes  can I cultivate further to strengthen my manifestation of ___________?
  5. You can ask any question as long as it is for your own spiritual development and highest good.
This chart content is copyright by I AM University and it is created with permission and approval.
Sources and more reading about this topic:
Soul Psychology: How to Clear Negative Emotions and Spiritualize Your Life
Extra Reading:
How the Negative Ego Sabotages your Ability to Manifest

7. Negative Ego Divinity Pendulum Chart

The negative ego/fear-based/separative thought system can sabotage your ability to manifest success in every aspect of your life.

Here’s a few sample questions you may use to ask together with the Negative Ego Chart

  1. Higher Self, which negative ego thoughts affected me today?
  2. Higher Self, which negative ego thoughts do I need to transcend further for the issue of ___________?
  3. Higher Self, which negative ego thoughts are sabotaging me to work with ___________(Angel, Masters or Higher Self)?
  4. Higher Self, which negative ego thoughts are blocking my manifestation of ___________?

You can ask any question as long as it is for your own spiritual development and highest good.

This chart content is copyright by I AM University and it is created with permission and approval.


Sources and more reading about this topic:
Soul Psychology: How to Clear Negative Emotions and Spiritualize Your Life

Extra Reading:
How the Negative Ego Sabotages your Ability to Manifest

Who should benefit from these pendulum charts?

  • Dowser
  • Spiritual Healer
  • Spiritual Seeker
  • Counsellor
  • Energy Healer
  • Lightworker
  • Ascension Practitioner

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Self Mastery Pendulum Charts Series

A series of charts to help you to master your consciousness through self mastery the mind and ego. Total 7 Charts, 252 Guidances. Original Price $13.90 (Limited Time Offer: Save $4)

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With Love and Blessing,

Original price was: $69.80.Current price is: $39.80.

Pendulum Dowsing Charts Series

Medical Medium Pendulum Chart Series

Original price was: $28.90.Current price is: $18.90.
Original price was: $357.00.Current price is: $257.00.
Original price was: $457.00.Current price is: $297.00.
Original price was: $329.00.Current price is: $197.00.
Original price was: $52.80.Current price is: $39.80.
Original price was: $69.50.Current price is: $39.80.
Original price was: $17.90.Current price is: $13.90.

Pendulum Dowsing Charts Series

Law of Attraction Pendulum Charts Series

Original price was: $13.90.Current price is: $9.90.

Pendulum Dowsing Charts Series

Archangel Pendulum Charts Series

Original price was: $13.90.Current price is: $9.90.

Pendulum Dowsing Charts Series

Self Mastery Pendulum Charts Series

Original price was: $13.90.Current price is: $9.90.