Author Archives: Darreck

Ego Defence Mechanisms

In Freudian psychoanalytic theory, defence mechanisms are unconscious psychological strategies brought into play by various [...]

Feeling Defense Mechanisms

We defend ourselves from feeling. Defenses are related to feelings in that way. How many [...]

Spiritual Centered Attitudes Chart

Spiritual Centered Attitudes, the love-based / oneness thought system can enhance your ability to manifest [...]

Negative Ego Chart

The negative ego/fear-based/separative thought system can sabotage your ability to manifest success in every aspect [...]

Archangels Master Chart

Archangels represent different aspects of God’s Will.  We may call forth the Archangels to help [...]

Archangel Michael

Protection – Spiritual Protection – Cutting Cords – Life purpose Guidance – Clearing and Shielding [...]