The subconscious mind is full of limiting beliefs that will automatically block the establishment of abundance consciousness. Have you ever wondered about the origin of such limiting beliefs? Mass media, society, family members, and friends and even past lives can be the source of limiting beliefs that inhibit us from expressing our full potential.
When you use Abundance Belief’s Source of Belief Chart together with your pendulum, you can uncover the ground zero of limiting beliefs. Your Higher Self can help you increase your level of self awareness and embrace abundance consciousness.
To get started, write down a limiting belief on a piece of paper and ask your Higher Self, “Where is this belief coming from?”
Relax, allow the wisdom of the Higher Self to flow through your body and reveal the divinely guided answer to you.
Do note that a limiting belief can arise from more than one source. Check with your Higher Self if there are other sources contributing to this negative mindset. If yes, continue with your research till all sources have been revealed.